As I write this I’m on a train, camped in the quiet coach taking
advantage of the free tea and wi-fi. The journey is sunny; I can see my own
reflection in the laptop. I've had a sort of half day today, went up to Dundee for a few hours now I’m heading home.
I have so far enjoyed the ‘100 a day’ challenge I’ve set
myself and up until this post I haven’t really struggled to come up with something to write.
So, i’ll leave you with this, an article by Sarah Koenig, one of
the creators of Serial, the podcast that took over the world.
In this piece she breaks down how she managed to tell a story
without having the material she wanted.
It’s a great insight into the amount of work and research
they go into to make Serial. It’s also a
lesson on recording everything and throwing none of it away.